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The importance of Data in B2B Marketing

The importance of Data in B2B Marketing
Nowadays, the use of data is an integral part of everyday life. Whether you’re generating it or analysing it – we live in a world where it is hard to escape from data. In the world of Marketing, and particularly B2B Marketing, the correct use of data can be transformative. Dealing with data beyond spreadsheets and reporting to actionable insight about customers that enables everything from predictive analytics to truly automated marketing automation are some of the promises of what’s next in content marketing for B2B companies. Understand the right data can boost ROI and the efficiency of marketing efforts. Before you scream “Lies, lies and damned statistics”, we want to put it on record that analysing and measuring the right data on a regular basis will lead to better data quality and will help to define the needs of your company or your client’s needs. It will also help you to set and prioritise your business goals and act as a guide for sound decision making. Marketers are already able to use sophisticated machine learning and data science techniques to identify which customers are most likely to churn, which prospects are most likely to buy and which products to pitch to existing customers. With time, this will expand to all aspects of marketing and marketers will be able to predict which content will perform best, which channels will convert the most, and which campaigns will be the most successful. Understanding your data is key to the future success of your business. If you don’t already have the basic level of website monitoring set-up through Google Analytics and monitoring the results on a regular basis then you are failing. Sure there is a tipping point as to how much emphasis you should put on data – but not investing any focus onto it at all is, in this day and age, just plain crazy. We at Golden Ladder are experts in sourcing data for all your marketing campaigns. So feel free to contact us and create useful marketing lists for your company.
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