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Content is still the King

Content is still the King

Bill Gates stated, “Content is King,” and what was valid then is still obvious at this point. Content is important to the accomplishment of a business.

Assuming that the content is King, we could say that the process to create content is also equally important. Envision a startup that needs to make a blog entry. It’s an ideal post that should be up before the finish of Q1. Since the startup is new, it hasn’t laid out substantial activities for blog content. In this way, the post sits in a Google doc with no arrangement for who does what with the data. The business has a content writer, however the process don’t necessarily end there.

Content operations focus on three elements:

People: who are performing a task and what their roles and responsibilities are.
Process: what functions are needed to complete a project successfully.
Technology: what tools help build out a content operations system.

Say you were publishing a blog post. A sample process might go as follows:

Step 1: Strategize and generate the idea.
Step 2: Set a timeline and schedule for the post.
Step 3: Write the post.
Step 4: Edit the grammar and content.
Step 5: Add graphics.
Step 6: Optimize the post for SEO.
Step 7: Publish.
Step 8: Share.
Step 9: Analyze.

In the event that one of the spets in this cycle fails to work out, it impacts the general accomplishment of the activity. Style rules, formats, and content administration models reinforce processes and advance responsibility and consistency. These systems assist with keeping content on target, however they should be utilized with innovation to guarantee content activities are moving along as expected.

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